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Parent Perspectives on Progress

Watch this video on what some parents had to say about their child's participation and progress made following aquatic occupational therapy with Ocean of Change.

Kyrsti F.

“We loved Ocean of Change. My child hit so many goals and milestones because of Ocean of Change. Thank you, Dr. Brynn, you have helped us so much. Your program is the absolute best!”

Kymberlie H.

“A very unique way to work on occupational therapy.”

Nicole H.

“We really loved participating in the Ocean of Change program. My daughter has come so far thanks to Brynn! She is so amazing and we learned so much.”

Brittany S.

“We loved this program so much and it was truly great for both of us! Our child has improved drastically with head control and moving his arms and legs more. I feel like water was the magic answer for him. Thank you.”

Stacey D.

“Brynn was awesome. Since the program, going to new places has been way easier for my child...she actually seeks out new environments with way less meltdowns over what she deems scary. She also understands when we’re done (for example swimming) with little to no melt down, it’s like she understands that we’ll be back but we’re done for now."

Jeff G.

"I think therapy combined with water was most beneficial to our child as it really improved her muscle tone which helped her reach her goals. We are so happy with the progress she has made since starting this program.”

Stacy V.

"This program has been life changing for us as parents and of course for our child. We saw a change in him almost immediately at home. His tantrums and frustrations decreased tremendously and now we effectively can communicate with him despite his hearing loss and lack of speech. He does things with meaning and is able to understand us by following 1-step commands. It provided us with an understanding on how to help him in a fun way. This is the first therapy he’s had that we actually saw him responding to. At the start of the program he would throw tantrums and want to leave, but now he’s pulling me by the finger to go in the water. We are so grateful for Ocean of Change."

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